We believe that we have the duty to give back to the community and the planet that is already giving us a lot.
We believe that we have the duty to give back to the community and the planet that is already giving us a lot.
We care about our society and the environment while educating others on how to care about society and the environment
We care about our society and the environment while educating others on how to care about society and the environment
It is not only about giving back but teaching how to give back, and teaching why
It is not only about giving back but teaching how to give back, and teaching why
A way of giving back comes in the shape of material goods that can improve the community's economics
A way of giving back comes in the shape of material goods that can improve the community's economics
Sometimes giving back takes the shape of an answer to a specific need at a given time
Sometimes giving back takes the shape of an answer to a specific need at a given time
Like a neighbor about to receive his first born and not having the necessary resources to do so
And other times it is just about being there for someone at a special ocassion or during a hard time
And other times it is just about being there for someone at a special ocassion or during a hard time
Like preparing your coworker a special day at work after she's gotten that promotion
And perhaps the most impactful way of giving back is in the shape of education
And perhaps the most impactful way of giving back is in the shape of education
Want to join efforts to improve society and the environment in the mayan communities in Yucatan?
Want to join efforts to improve society and the environment in the mayan communities in Yucatan?
Learn more abut our efforts for:
Learn more abut our efforts for: